

97 Uppsatser om The Reflective Practitioner - Sida 1 av 7

Reflekterande samtal- verktyg för utveckling? : Pedagogers upplevelser av reflekterande samtal i arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stöd.

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyses educators? experiences of reflective conversations in their teams and part of teams in relation to their work with pupils in need of special support. Ten educators representing ten different teams have been interviewed since all had experiences of working in teams and working with pupils in need of special support. Focus has been on the educators? experiences of the organisation, the effects of the reflections and the need to develop the reflective conversations in their teams and part of teams.

Den reflekterande ledarrollen i sociala organisationer

Abstract Author: Annika Sjögren ArvidsonTitle: The reflective leadership role in social service organizations Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson  I have studied the leadership role of unit managers in social service organizations and their relationship to the concept of reflective approach. I started from a curiosity about how and if unit managers within social services use the concept reflective approach in their leadership role, and how their organizations look upon this and what the consequences are. If in the long term, this affects the individual receiving assistance. All the interviewed persons come from different places, services and organizations. The study is qualitative, with a number of interviews conducted with unit managers.

Den lärande gruppen : Om reflektion i förskolan

Scheduled time for reflective work is common at many Swedish preschools. Reflection is a complex concept that is being used with many different purposes in preschools. The reflective work in Swedish preschools today has its roots in the theories from Vygotskij about how children learn by watching and cooperating with others. Also, many Swedish preschools have taken inspiration from the preschools in Reggio Emilia in Italy, who see the reflective work as something necessary in their work around children?s learning processes.

Att skriva sig till läsning via datorn : Lärarens val?

The purpose of my study is to examine why five primary school teachers chose to start using the method ?Learning reading by writing on computer? in their teaching. How do they perceive that the method works in their classroom and do they perceive that the method affect the children?s literacy?The study consists of a qualitative method in form of interviews with five primary school teachers and also some observations made by me in the classrooms. I will use the findings I made during the interviews and observations and contrast these to relevant literature and research that I have collected.The result of my study shows that all of the interviewed teachers had a self-interest in working with the method ?Learning reading by writing on computers? and that they also worked closely with colleagues.

Man kan aldrig så noga veta? mentalisering i familjeterapi

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka och beskriva hur man arbeta med mentalisering/ reflektiv funktion i olika familjeterapeutiska metoder. Uppsatsen bygger på intervjuer med sex erfarna familjeterapeuter med olika inriktning som besvarar generella frågeställningar samt beskriver hur de skulle arbeta med ett kliniskt exempel.Resultatet visar att familjeterapeuterna, oavsett tidigare kännedom om begreppen tänker likartat kring mentalisering och reflektiv funktion i sitt kliniska arbete, och att alla utom en terapeut väljer snarlika förhållningssätt i arbetet med det kliniska exemplet. Slutsatsen är att mentalisering/reflektiv funktion är något som familjeterapeuterna ser som vägen till att skapa förändring och att familjeterapeutiska metoder kan användas för att arbeta med och förstärka mentalisering och reflektiv funktion.The purpose with this essay was to examine and describe how to work mentalizing and enhancing the reflective function with various family-therapeutic methods. The essay consists of interviews with six experienced family therapists with various orientations who answers general questions and describes how they would work with a clinical example.The essay concludes that the family therapists, regardless of previous knowledge of these concepts, think alike about mentalizing and reflective function in their clinical work. All except one also choose a similar approach in their work with the clinical example.

Sveplaserns användning till inventering/befästning/kontroll av vägmarkering

The thesis mission is to investigate whether the swiveling laser that Vectura (former Vägverket Konsult) has in use to measure the road areas and straddle measuring can be used to detect differences in the reflective road markings function. This is to increase use of the swiveling laser and get rid of the manual measurements performed today.Currently, the measurement of road markings reflective function is performed with both mobile and handheld measuring instruments. The purpose of this thesis is to develop better methods for determination of road markings? reflective function, in order to facilitate the description and suggestions for improvements of the maintenance of road markings reflective function.The questions that the thesis has been to start with are:Can the swiveling laser detect differences in longitudinal and transverse road markings reflective function?The accuracy of measurement has been sweeping the laser over the reference instrument (LTL-2000)Is it necessary with a conversion factor for swiveling laser data against the reference instrument data?To answer the question 2 and 3, there has been a field work in Värnamo where a road stretch with longitudinal road markings and zebra crossing (transverse road markings) has been investigated with a swiveling laser and LTL-2000.The formulas and calculations contained in the thesis are drawn from scientific reports that are produced by VTI in Linköping. The same formula that was used to calculate the optical measurement data was also used for the swiveling laser data.

Emissions for Sale : The Ethics of Emissions Trading

International regulations target a global reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through the allocation of national reduction targets and the definition of mechanisms to achieve these targets. One of these mechanisms is international emissions trading, these trading programs have been the targets of widespread criticism since they were introduced into the policy-making arena. The point of departure in this study has been that the trading raises questions about morality, since it implies signals, which legitimates pollution. The main purpose with this study has been to find out if emissions trading systems can be morally justified with the method of wide reflective equilibrium. From the study it was found that the moral intuition; it is wrong to pollute the environment, and perform activities, which legitimates pollution, finds support from the different theories within environmental ethics and Kantian ethics.

Dolls 4R: Ett mått på kunskapsutveckling? : En studie om bedömning av studentens kunskapsutveckling

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine a way to measure students? knowledge development by using a self-made measure instrument based on William Doll?s postmodern curriculum.Question: Is it suitable to use an self-made measure instrument based on William Doll?s post-modern curriculum theory to measure development of knowledge?Methods: The study was based on process-hermeneutics and was focused on analysingcollege students? written and oral reflective thoughts. The data was collected over three lessons, where six students? written reflective thoughts were handed in. An observation was carried out each lesson for an extra control of validity.

Hälsovägledares strategier och underliggandeantaganden vid motivationsarbete till viktnedgång : en intervjustudie om motivation

Syftet var att undersöka fyra hälsovägledares uppfattningar och strategier för att motivera individer till viktminskning. Avsikten var även att utreda vad de bygger sina uppfattningar och strategier på, samt att jämföra deras strategier med befintliga teorier om beteendeförändring såsom Motiverande samtal, Stages of change, Social learning theory och Health belief model. Teorierna valdes då de belyser hur en beteendeförändring kan gå till samt att de varit fram­gångsrika i tidigare forskning. Studien är kvalitativ och genomfördes med ostrukturerade intervjuer där respondenterna valdes genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. De fyra hälsovägledarna arbetade med att motivera individer till viktnedgång, alla hade utbildning inom hälso­främjande arbete som varierade mellan en vecka till flera år.

Att vara, eller icke vara en reflekterande praktiker. : En undersökning om några förskolepedagogers didaktiska överväganden i den mångkulturella lärandemiljöns kontext.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and to analyse didactic considerations and decisions made by pre-school teachers in the context of a multi-cultural pedagogical environment.The basic theoretical perspective is social constructivism, but notions from Donald A. Schön and John Dewey's theories of thinking and reflection have also informed the study; even Hans Lorentz' definition of a multi-cultural pedagogical environment has been employed as an analytic tool.The empirical study consists of a qualitative field study at a pre-school, where participatory observation and a group interview have been used in order to collect data. Those who participated were teachers at the pre-school.The results of the study, when analysed in accordance with the method, shows mainly three things. First of all that the teachers at the pre-school, in their didactic considerations, make use of the following methods of knowledge formation: knowledge-in-practice, reflection-in-practice, reflection on practice, reflection on knowledge-in-practice, and reflection on reflection-in-practice. Secondly, that no reflection particularly on the learning conditions in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment takes place.

Identitetsskapande på Internet : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverket Facebook

As computerized communication and the Internet have evolved, the possibility to express and affirm one?s identity in new ways has also been created. Facebook, which has taken a leading role among the social fora on the Internet and succeeded worldwide, is my choice of study due to the number of people that actively choose to present themselves on it. The purpose of this thesis is to study the identity construction on Facebook through the activities a member partakes in, as well as how the presentation of oneself is written and if it is a result of a self-reflective process of the individual.The rationale for the qualitative study has been personal interviews in order to get an insight into how the individuals use and present themselves on Facebook and - in the interaction with others ? how they construct their own identity. My hypothesis has been that we, in the interaction with others, have a great possibility to create and understand our own identities. The study results show that identity formation is a constant process and that it is indeed a self-reflective project.

En syn på det livslånga lärandet : Litteraturstudie av åtta studentuppsatser

In this essay, we examine what kind of themes that are found in essays written by students who have studied within the teacher programme at universities in Sweden. The goal of our essay is to find themes that are reoccurring in eight student essays, and that can be understood through the concept of lifelong learning. Our essay combines three research methods. It is mainly an essay where we utilize qualitative reading research, but we have also gained inspiration from hermeneutics and the critical thinking.The result of our study shows that students within the teacher programme in Sweden are well aware of the strong points found within the concept of lifelong learning. Three themes were found that were reoccurring within all essays.

Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team

This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.

Från jag till vi : en essä om strävan efter en god gruppdynamik och sammanhållning

Life is for us humans a social life. We are constantly in different social communities with various purposes. Throughout life we are part of different groups, for better or worse. The basic social communities, in our society, are the groups we live, work, learn and grow in. This essay deals with the groups children develop and learn in, in school and leisure time center.

Pedagogik för blogg : "när skolan blir viktig och på riktigt"

In this essay I examine if socio cultural theory is present for teachers when pupils and students are using computers in class, especially when using blogs as a tool for learning. The aim of the essay is also to examine if blogs among pupils in class can promote peer support, co-operation and reflective dialogue, and in that case in what way. The essay consists of two studies, one small interview study and one literature study.  The interview study is made with the qualitative method phenomenographic analysis, presenting four Swedish teachers who have much experience using blogs in education. The aim of the literature study where some national and international research studies of relevance are presented, is to broaden the perspective.The result of the interview study shows that a socio cultural theory is highly present among the teachers who already use blogs in education. In addition, those teachers experience that the blog in the classroom supports dialogue and co-operation among the pupils.  In contrast, the literature study shows that most teachers in Sweden who made their pupils work with computers in classroom seem to let their student work alone, without guiding them and without creating co-operation or dialogue in the classroom.

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